About Us
About Craig Pearlberg
As a Certified Personal Trainer, Corrective Exercise Specialist and one of the first American Council on Exercise Certified Health Coaches, Craig has been training and coaching individuals and employee groups for nearly 15 years. Drawing from his own personal journey of wellness, as well as a broad base of client experiences, Craig’s unique perspective and skill set make him ideally qualified to help you or your employees take the healthy steps needed to get MOVING SMARTER and LIVING STRONGER at work, life or play.
About Core Fitness Mechanics
Core Fitness Mechanics began with the goal of helping Emergency Medical Technicians stay healthy and strong by introducing biomechanics training and health coaching into the work environment. Founded in 2010, by Craig Pearlberg, CFM continues to impact medical and emergency response workers, including Physicians and Firefighters, as well as anyone looking to minimize low-back pain or simply stay a little healthier today than yesterday. CFM combines the concepts of "core," "fitness," and "mechanics" to, not only teach a new understanding of how the body is designed for healthy living, but also instill safe, effective and rewarding ways of MOVING SMARTER and LIVING STRONGER down your own personal path of wellness.
Whether you struggle getting up & down from a chair or bed, reaching to put away dishes, dealing with that nagging back ache or are just tired of feeling sore from sitting at your desk all day, your life can be made more healthy & strong by simply maintaining good "form" and a stable and balanced core while doing everyday activities. After an initial consultation, CFM will come to your home or workplace to better understand your needs and customize a core strength & functional mechanics program. Whether you need just a single session to better perform the five basic movements of bending, lifting, twisting, pulling and pushing or would like to learn and implement a full balance and strength program CFM is the right partner to get you MOVING SMARTER and LIVING STRONGER.
Thinking about your fitness level can be intimidating and even confusing. You may rarely get sick but have nagging shoulder, knee or back pain. Maybe pain is rare but fatigue dogs you every day. Perhaps your weight just isn’t where you’d like it to be but you're confused about all the diet and wellness information out there. Or you could already feel healthy but want to know how to achieve your absolute best. CFM takes a very individualized approach when working with the many fitness levels and workplace requirements and we understand that goals can be about function & strength, safety, heart-health, weight loss & main-tenance or athletic improvement. Each goal requires a unique approach and comes with different expectations but any one of them can be the most important type of “fitness” for you or your team.
Body mechanics and biomechanics basically refer to the internal and external forces acting on the body and how the body responds to, and moves against, those forces. Our bodies are efficiently designed to handle these forces but any imbalance, i.e. weak or tight muscles, will result in pain and eventual immobility in the feet, knees, hips, back, shoulders or neck. Many of us and our friends or colleagues are all too familiar with the back pain that comes most often from muscle imbalance and improper mechanics. CFM strongly believes that the foundation of any fitness program, posture or movement is the correct use of these mechanics and we strive to give you a clear understanding of how your body is responding to the forces of your life.