Healthy Back
Learn to fight against your next back attack!
Regain strength and physical confidence.
Get back to playing with your kids.
Stop missing work and losing money.
Learn more about how your core works
Finally take control of your low-back pain.
For your FREE consultation. It's easy and no obligation.
Low-Back & Core Stability, Structure and Balance
This is where you'll begin to learn how to finally get long-term control of your low back issues. It'll start with a simple lesson on which muscles actually make up the "infamous" core of your body and how & why those muscles play such a big role in your recurring back pain. We'll assess your posture, as well as the balance, stability and strength of your core to help clarify your specific needs and customize a program to get you moving in the right direction. By adding to the knowledge of your own body and practicing the correct movements & postures you'll be more prepared to control pain, get moving again with confidence and defend against the next dreaded back attack.
Basic Low-Back Prevention
Your ability to "brace" yourself against back trouble starts with the knowledge of how your core functions and continues by learning how to find and activate your core while moving correctly through work, life and play. Using your body the way it was designed to be used is essential for keeping your back strong & healthy and CFM will give you the skills you need to get MOVING SMARTER and LIVING STRONGER.
Acute Low-Back Recovery
When your back has just "gone out" (or is threatening to take you down) the only thing you need to know, aside from when the pain will stop, is how to get back on your feet and active again as soon as possible. This is where CFM stands out from the pack because we'll show you proven strategies to recover in those first few minutes, hours and days of an attack. You'll not only learn key stretches, movements and self massage techniques to minimize the pain and get you on your feet but also why & how each of the strategies work to heal your aching back. If you or someone you care about is currently experiencing a back attack, or the threat of one, contact CFM right away for help getting up and back to life.